Hello! Thanks for your interest in my writing!

I created this combination blog and website to make my life easier so I can focus on adventuring, writing, and wellness. 

Sunday, December 31, 2023

My Writing Zone #1

Hat tip to author Julia Cameron for distinguishing that we should have several writing zones that we use for different types of writing or situations. In our wee fake adobe home in Albuquerque, my writing zone #1 is my She-Den. I've got a comfy sit/stand desk and ergonomic chair and I've surrounded myself with color. Here are a few pictures. Many of you would find this vivid a room unsettling, but it's perfect for me. It's relaxing, in fact. It's a tiny room, just 9X10, and does not have a closet. So I've configured it to maximize use of space.

My favorite part of the design is my eclectic art collection. A few pieces are fine art created by talented, professional artists like Natasha Isenhour. Other pieces are second-hand art market finds or - gasp - my own attempts. I love them all and how they play together.

Re-Reading Tony Hillerman's Leaphorn and Chee Series

I love reading mysteries set in the place I am or will be going on vacation. Now that we're back in New Mexico, I've decided to re-read Tony Hillerman's Leaphorn and Chee series. It has been so long since I read most of them and I'd bet I missed a book or two. I don't have any particular timeframe for this endeavor, I'll start at Book #1 and move forward based on my time and availability of the books from my library. 

I love Dark Winds, the TV series based on the books and am looking forward to the third season. Rereading the books will allow me to see more from the television show, I assume.

I met and interviewed Tony Hillerman many years ago while I attended the Taos Writer's Workshop. where he was the keynote speaker. Maybe I'll see if I can find my notes for that conversation and post it here on the blog. He was funny, gracious, and kind. 

I'm finishing the newest book in the Leaphorn and Chee series, now Leaphorn, Chee, and Manuelito series, written by Tony's daughter, Anne Hillerman called, The Way of the Bear. I like the character development Anne has chosen for Bernadette Manuelito - she's stronger. More about the newer books later!

Hello! Thanks for your interest in my writing!

I created this combination blog and website to make my life easier so I can focus on adventuring, writing, and wellness. 

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Mission: To catalyze adventure through writing.

I write fiction and nonfiction books, articles, short stories, poems, and other posts. The core messages of each work is different, obviously, but I create them from the same starting belief.

I want my work to be catalytic and to reverberate.

Sparking curiosity.

Increasing engagement.

Provoking new thoughts or questions.

Perhaps even blowing my mind. Or yours!

I might not always succeed, but I endeavor to write through the filter of this belief everyday.

I want to be a stone under a bench when I die.

Leave me by a bench. I’m putting it out there that when I’m gone, I want to be cremated and then left by a bench in a natural place in New Mexico. Like the benches in these pics! Spread me or turn me into a rock, and then leave me there. Keep it easy for all involved. (Here’s a place that will turn remains into stones to consider: https://partingstone.com/products/human-solidified-remains)

No need to worry, I’m not sharing this because I think I’ll die tomorrow. But it’s good to be clear in case I get hit by a bus. The thought hit me as Bill and I were walking through a path in the Bosque last weekend. ðŸ™ƒ